27  Bootstrap III

27.1 Bootstrap summary

A reminder where we have got to with the bootstrap.

To estimate a parameter \(\theta\) from random samples \(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_m\), we use the plug-in estimator \(\theta^*\).

We can also get bootstrap statistics \(T^*_k\) by sampling \(m\) of the datapoints with replacement and using those resampled points to re-calculate the estimator.

  • The real-world: Treating the samples \(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_m\) as random, there is variability of our estimator \(\theta^*\) around the true value \(\theta\).

  • The bootstrap world: Treating the samples \(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_m\) as fixed, there is variability of the bootstrap statistics \(T^*_k\) around the plug-in estimate \(\theta^*\).

The idea of bootstrapping is that the variability of \(\theta^*\) around \(\theta\) can be approximated by the variability of the \(T^*_k\) around \(\theta^*\).

We saw that we can estimate the bias by \[ \widehat{\operatorname{bias}}(\theta^*) = \overline{T^*} - \theta^* .\] If the bias appears to be significant, it can be appropriate to “de-bias” the plug-in estimator by instead using \[ \theta^* - \widehat{\operatorname{bias}}(\theta^*) = \theta^* - \big(\overline{T^*} - \theta^*\big) = 2\theta^* -\overline{T^*} . \]

We saw that we can estimate the variance by \[ S^2 = \frac{1}{B-1} \sum_{k=1}^B \big(T^*_k - \overline{T^*}\big)^2 , \] although it can be more appropriate to centre the approximation at the plug-in estimator, and use \[ \frac{1}{B-1} \sum_{k=1}^B \big(T^*_k - \theta^*\big)^2 \] instead.

27.2 Bootstrap confidence intervals

The one thing left is to look at confidence intervals. We saw that we can create a \((1-\alpha)\)-prediction interval \((T_\mathrm{L}, T_\mathrm{U})\) for a statistic by taking \(T_\mathrm{L}\) to be the lower \(\alpha/2\)-quantile – let’s call it \(T^*_\mathrm{L}\) – of the \(T^*_k\)’s and taking \(T_\mathrm{U}\) to be the upper \(\alpha/2\)-quantile \(T^*_\mathrm{U}\) of the \(T^*_k\)’s.

However, it can again be more appropriate to anchor these to the plug-in estimator. We have \[ \begin{align} 1 - \alpha &= \mathbb P\big(T^*_\mathrm{L} \leq \overline{T^*} \leq T^*_\mathrm{U} \big) \\ &= \mathbb P\big(T^*_\mathrm{L} - \theta^* \leq \overline{T^*}-\theta^* \leq T^*_\mathrm{U} -\theta^*\big) \\ &= \mathbb P\big(\theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{L} \geq \theta^* - \overline{T^*} \geq \theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{U}\big) \\ &= \mathbb P\big(\theta^* + \overline{T^*} - T^*_\mathrm{L} \geq \theta^* \geq \theta^* + \overline{T^*}- T^*_\mathrm{U}\big) \\ &= \mathbb P\big(\theta^* + \overline{T^*}- T^*_\mathrm{U} \leq \theta^* \leq \theta^* + \overline{T^*} - T^*_\mathrm{L} \big) . \end{align} \] Replacing \(\overline T^*\) by the plug-in estimator \(\theta^*\) therefore suggests we should take the lower limit to be \(\theta^* + \theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{U} = 2\theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{U}\) and the upper limit to be \(\theta^* + \theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{L} = 2\theta^* - T^*_\mathrm{L}\).

Example 27.1 We return to the sleep data example of last time. We seek a 95% confidence interval.

sleep <- read.csv("https://bookdown.org/jgscott/DSGI/data/NHANES_sleep.csv")$SleepHrsNight
m <- length(sleep)

estimate <- mean(sleep)

boots <- 1e5
bootests <- rep(0, boots)
for (k in 1:boots) {
  resample <- sample(sleep, m, replace = TRUE)
  bootests[k] <- mean(resample)

Tlower <- quantile(bootests, 0.025)
Tupper <- quantile(bootests, 0.975)

c(Tlower, Tupper)
    2.5%    97.5% 
6.820693 6.936715 
2 * estimate - c(Tupper, Tlower)
   97.5%     2.5% 
6.821195 6.937217 

Again, our data here was very well behaved, so anchoring to the plug-in estimator, using the second method, did not make much difference. But this can be important with a biased estimator or heavily skewed data.

Researchers have looked into lots of other ways to build bootstrap confidence intervals, but we won’t go into those here.